Monday, June 4, 2012

Thrift Store Finds

An item from my list has been checked off, but more on that a little later. My first gem I found was a home made maxi dress from the 60's. I didn't take a full length picture but hopefully that will come later.
My second piece is the one I'm most excited about. I have been in search of a jean shirt/jacket for months and I have finally found one. It was sitting sideways on top of all the other clothes too, as if it were meant for me.
I absolutely love mugs and I found a new one to add to my collection. There are a few cracks on the rim of the mug so I think I'm going to use it as a pencil holder. 
   Lastly I found an entire bag of different colored thread for only 99 cents. 
   How can you pass that up?
What lovely gems have you found recently?


  1. that demin shirt is classic, you'll get so much wear out of it!!! Also cool you found an authentic 60s maxi dress :)

  2. you are adorable! wish i could see the maxi dress more :) what an awesome find!

    andrea brionne


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