Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Movie Night

Last night my family did an impromptu movie night. My mom made apple strudel and I made chocolate covered pretzels; I saw them in the store for $3 for three and decided to make them instead. It's a really simple DIY.
Melted milk chocolate+ Jumbo pretzels+ sprinkles= a simple delicious dessert
We watched "My girlfriend's boyfriend." It's really good actually, I was happily surprised. I love movie nights


  1. I've never heard of this movie, but I loved Alyssa Milano in Charmed! Aren't impromtu movie nights the best? and even better with the family! I've been in the mood to watch the Sound of Music! : ) and way to save money with those pretzels, Joy!! :D

  2. yum. yum. yum. yum. yummmmm. LOVE the blog! if you get the chance to check out my blog, i have a new nail tutorial up that i think you will LOVE. it's super easy and spunky! :)

    follow me?


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