Sunday, April 5, 2015

April 10 in 30

Happy Easter all!!! This month is the month in this year that I'm most excited for, so far. I'm going to my first ever music festival and then I'm going on vacation to ENGLAND!! I'm so excited!! My goals this month are all basically geared towards relaxing and vacation, plus a little work in there.
@Amber Fults  feel mean just repinning this, but it would be lovely to go see Big Ben in person and go to The Doctor Who experience
1. Finalize all my plans for ENGLAND!! All the capital letters, because I'm so excited! 
2. Find a way to pack all of my things in one carry on and still have room to purchase items.
3. Buy new tires for my car. I bought a "new to me" car and it needs new tires. The car in general is good, but it needs some mechanical type updates.
4. Make sure all of my work items are preped for when I leave. I have a few projects I'm working on and they all need to be done by the time I leave.
I've tried doing this and the color just never seems to look this effortless and natural. Willing to try it again though.
Maybe? Probably a little longer
5. Maybe get my hair cut in ENGLAND! Ok, I'll stop doing the all caps now. I'm creating a pattern of getting my hair cut on vacation. It's kind of fun to say all the places I've gotten my hair cut. Random, but fun to do on vacation. Vacations are suppose to be pampering and fun anyways right?
6. Call all the necessary places and let them know I will be out of the country and to not stop me from buying shoes, or calling people. I like that the bank is so secure that it sees when something looks off in my spending, but I hate being at a place out of the state and they stop me from buying the item I want from a shop. It's me I promise! 
7. Journal more in my Bible. I was doing so well there for a little bit and then stress got in the way *shakes fist*
All images via my pinterest
8. Buy flowers at a outdoor market in England or Paris!! (Seriously excited just to write that down)
9. Buy rain boots, I wan just a normal pair of rain boots that can go with everything! 
10. Have an amazing month!
What are your goals this month? If you do a 10 in 30 link me and I'll follow along :) 

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